Terms and Conditions

General terms and conditions for all users

The [www.andersenit.com.au] website (“this website”) is owned by andersenIT Pty Ltd (“andersenIT”).

It is operated by andersenIT.

Your access to this website is subject to these terms and conditions, andersenIT Privacy Policy, notices, disclaimers, any other terms and conditions or other statements contained on this website, and, if you use any of the services identified on this website for which additional or alternative terms and conditions are referred to, those additional terms and conditions for those other services (referred to collectively as “Terms of Use”). By accessing, viewing or otherwise using this website, you agree to be subject to these Terms of Use.

Copyright Statement

Unless indicated otherwise, andersenIT holds the copyright to this website and its contents, except where information is clearly in the public domain.

You are permitted to download from this website for personal use only.

You are not permitted to reproduce or alter this website for any other purpose without the prior written consent of andersenIT or the relevant copyright holder.

Permission is not given for any sale or commercial use of this material.

Code of Conduct

You shall use the website for lawful purposes only. You shall not post or transmit via the Website any material (Content) which violates in any way the rights of others, which is unlawful, threatening, defamatory, invasive of privacy, obscene, breaches copyright law or intellectual property rights or is otherwise objectionable.

Supply of Content

andersenIT reserves the right to refuse to register any user for any reasons.

andersenIT does not take any responsibility for any information that you post as Content on the blog.

andersenIT does not represent, support or endorse Content posted by users of the andersenIT blog.

andersenIT reserves the right to edit or to remove any Content including these Terms and Conditions.

To report undesirable content, posts or to bring to andersenIT’s attention users who may not be following these Terms of Use, please email enquiry@andersenit.com.au

Third Party Providers

In using the andersenIT website, you acknowledge that parts of the website and parts of the content, are provided or maintained by Third Party Providers and not by us.

Your correspondence or dealings with any Third Party Provider are solely between you and that Third Party Provider, and you agree that we will not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage of any sort incurred as the result of such dealings.

Your Personal Information

By using this website you grant us the consent to use your personal data in accordance with our privacy statement. Please click on this link to view our privacy statement.

You have the right to check what personal information andersenIT holds on you and to advise us on any perceived inaccuracy. We may require you to verify your identity and specify what information you require.


To the maximum extent permitted by law andersenIT excludes all liability for any loss or injury arising out of, or related to, the use, inability to use, authorised use, performance, or non-performance of the andersenIT website however caused, including by negligence.

andersenIT strives to keep information stored on this website up-to-date, but does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability or currency of the information.